联系方式:E-mail: ckd921209@163.com
2011.09-2015.06 山东农业大学,制药工程(农药方向)专业,本科
2015.09-2021.06 山东农业大学,农药学专业,博士
2021.11-2022.09 河南农业大学植物保护学院,讲师
2022.10-至今 河南农业大学植物保护学院,校聘副教授
1. 国家重点研发子课题(2023YFD1202801),2023.12-2028.11,主持,在研
2. 河南农业大学青年英才项目(30501335), 2022.10-2027.09,主持,在研
3. 河南省科技研发计划联合基金(232103810024),2023.01-2024.12,主持,在研
4. 农业农村部黄淮海油料作物重点实验室开放课题,2024.01-2025.12,主持,在研
5. 2022年河南省“三区”科技人才项目, 2022.01-2022.12,主持,结项
6. 2023年河南省“三区”科技人才项目, 2023.01-2023.12,主持,结项
7. 河南农业大学大学生创新训练计划项目,2023.06-2024.06,指导教师,结项
1. Kaidi Cui#, Chaofan Jiang#, Longjiang Sun, Mengke Wang, Leiming He*, Lin Zhou*. Resistance risk assessment for benzovindiflupyr in Sclerotium rolfsii and transmission of resistance genes among population. Pest Management Science, 2024, 80: 3979–3987.
2. Kaidi Cui#, Yinan Wang#, Mengke Wang, Te Zhao, Fulong Zhang, Leiming He*, Lin Zhou*. Inhibitory activity and antioomycete mechanism of citral against Phytophthora capsici. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2024, 204: 106067.
3. Kaidi Cui, Lin Zhou, Chaofan Jiang, Song Yang, Nan Zou, Feng Liu, Leiming He*, Wei Mu*. Residue behavior and efficacy of benzothiazole in grains under different fumigation conditions. Pest Management Science, 2023, 79: 3622–3630.
4. Kaidi Cui#, Ya He#, Mengke Wang, Min Li, Chaofan Jiang, Meizi Wang, Leiming He*, Fulong Zhang*, Lin Zhou*. Antifungal activity of Ligusticum chuanxiong essential oil and its active composition butylidenephthalide against Sclerotium rolfsii. Pest Management Science, 2023, 79: 5374–5386.
5. Zhiyuan Han#, Kaidi Cui#, Mengke Wang, Chaofan Jiang, Te Zhao, Meizi Wang, Pengqiang Du, Leiming He*, Lin Zhou*. Bioactivity of the DMI fungicide mefentrifluconazole against Sclerotium rolfsii, the causal agent of peanut southern blight. Pest Management Science, 2023, 79: 2126–2134.
6. Chaofan Jiang#, Lin Zhou#, Qingchen Zhao, Mengke Wang, Sirui Shen, Te Zhao, Kaidi Cui*, Leiming He*. Selection and validation of reference genes for reverse-transcription quantitative PCR analysis in Sclerotium rolfsii. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023, 24: 15198.
7. Ya He#, Pengqiang Du#, Te Zhao, Fei Gao, Meizi Wang, Jingjing Zhang, Leiming He*, Kaidi Cui*, Lin Zhou*. Baseline sensitivity and bioactivity of tetramycin against Sclerotium rolfsii isolates in Huanghuai peanut-growing region of China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 238: 113580.
8. Leiming He, Mengke Wang, Haijiao Wang, Te Zhao, Kaidi Cui*, Lin Zhou*. iTRAQ proteomic analysis of the inhibitory effect of 1,6-O,O-diacetylbritannilactone on the plant pathogenic oomycete Phytophthora capsici. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 2022, 184: 105125.
9. Kaidi Cui, Song Yang, Nan Zou, Leiming He, Tao Zhang, Feng Liu, Wei Mu. Residual behavior of the potential grain fumigant 1-octen-3-ol in wheat during fumigation and ventilation processes. Pest Management Science. 2021, 77: 2933-2938.
10. Kaidi Cui, Leiming He, Zhengqun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. Evaluation of the efficacy of benzothiazole against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Pest Management Science. 2020, 76: 2726-2735.
11. Kaidi Cui, Leiming He, Zhengqun Zhang, Lingyan Zhang, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. Effects of benzothiazole on survival for reduced reproduction and development in Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Pest Management Science. 2020, 76: 3088-3095.
12. Kaidi Cui, Yunhe Zhao, Leiming He, Jinfeng Ding, Beixing Li, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. Comparison of transcriptome profiles of the fungus Botrytis cinerea and insect pest Bradysia odoriphaga in response to benzothiazole. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2020, 11: 1043.
13. Kaidi Cui, Leiming He, Yunhe Zhao, Wei Mu, Jin Lin, Feng Liu. Comparative analysis of Botrytis cinerea in response to the microbial secondary metabolite benzothiazole using iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics. Phytopathology. 2021, 111:1313-1326.
14. Kaidi Cui, Lingyan Zhang, Leiming He, Zhengqun Zhang, Tao Zhang, Wei Mu, Jin Lin, Feng Liu. Toxicological effects of the fungal volatile compound 1-octen-3-ol against the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 2021, 208: 111597.
15. Kaidi Cui, Leiming He, Tongtong Li, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. Development of boscalid resistance in Botrytis cinerea and an efficient strategy for resistance management. Plant Disease. 2021, 105: 1042-1047.
16. Kaidi Cui, Leiming He, Guangrui Cui, Tao Zhang, Yue Chen, Tao Zhang, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. Biological activity of trans-2-hexenal against the storage insect pest Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) and mycotoxigenic storage fungi. Journal of Economic Entomology. 2021, 114: 979–987.
17. Leiming He#, Kaidi Cui#, Dicheng Ma, Ruiping Shen, Xueping Huang, Jiangong Jiang, Wei Mu, Feng Liu*. Activity, translocation and persistence of isopyrazam for controlling cucumber powdery mildew. Plant Disease, 2017, 74: 2432-2437.
18. Kaidi Cui, Beixing Li, Xueping Huang, Leiming He, Daxia Zhang, Wei Mu, Feng Liu. A versatile method for evaluating the controlled-release performance of microcapsules. Colloids and Surfaces A. 2017, 529: 80–87.
19. 崔凯娣, 黄学屏, 何磊鸣, 翟永彪, 慕卫, 刘峰. 微生物源挥发性化合物苯并噻唑对灰霉病菌的抑制效应.中国农业科学. 2017, 50: 3714-3722.
1. 崔凯娣,何磊鸣,周琳,蒋超凡,赵特,高飞,杜鹏强.一种防治花生果腐病的杀菌组合物及其应用[P]. 河南省: CN202211656586.8, 2024-06-21.
2. 周琳,何磊鸣,杜鹏强,崔凯娣,赵特,高飞,汪梅子,赵莹,那日松. 一种用于防治白绢病的杀菌组合物[P]. 河南省: CN202110954023.6, 2022-06-17.
3. 周琳, 何磊鸣, 杜鹏强, 崔凯娣, 赵特, 高飞, 汪梅子, 何亚, 韩志远. 藁本内酯及含其的植物精油在防治花生白绢病方面的应用[P]. 河南省: CN202110982319.9, 2022-08-23.
4. 赵特, 张阳, 周琳, 崔凯娣, 杜鹏强, 何磊鸣, 王芹芹, 汪梅子, 王立. 藁本内酯在防治草地贪夜蛾中的应用[P]. 河南省: CN202211462134.6, 2024-03-01.
5. 赵特, 张阳, 周琳, 崔凯娣, 杜鹏强, 何磊鸣, 王芹芹, 汪梅子, 王立. 丁烯基苯酞在防治草地贪夜蛾中的应用[P]. 河南省: CN202211462135.0, 2024-03-22.
6. 刘峰,慕卫,张大侠,李北兴,崔凯娣,王伟昌.一种微胶囊囊芯释放率测试所用装置[P]. 山东: CN201520803016.6, 2016-02-10.
7. 刘峰,慕卫,张大侠,李北兴,崔凯娣,王伟昌.一种微胶囊囊芯释放率的测试方法及装置[P]. 山东省: CN201510669844.X, 2017-03-01.